[64 / 28 / ?]
2MiB, 3416x1919, 58e35efb9d46e6608a31886da0cf1b01593f2ae834cc40b77adb63b1081e26e2.jpg
I left /bant/ about 1.5-2 years ago. Before that I had been very active poster since day 1 of /bant/. This board has stagnated and has out lived it's golden age. Initially it was an exciting new place struggling for an identity and weather it should embrace it's ties to /pol/ or define itself as somthing different. Then it became obsessed with originality, creativity, and sincerity. This unfortunately gave birth to the namefags. Most of these people I actually liked. However this brought up a confict between them and those that desired to create a new /b/ that seeked to emulate the glory of old /b/ without porn. This is where things went wrong. This conflict has played out till now. Now this board is nothing but endless cult like shitposting, namefags, and thier orbiters. I loved this place now it's gone.