>>11674787>>291502484>Checked. No idea why you think I’m Jewish but okay. Jews make up such a small part of the population and they somehow control everything.On first point, because your stance mirrors theirs and the debasement/degeneracy they push as a method to deconstruct family and social structures as a tactic of the Austrian school and critical theory.
On the second. Lets use South Africa as an example. Instead of Whites being 5% of the population. Imagine they were 2%. Then imagine they controlled all the top positions of the 6 largest media companies giving them 90% media reach, every bank, a lot of top government posts, most academic institutions administrative bodies especially in certain fields. etc.
No you'd think, "hold on, that's Apartheid again." And you'd probably be right.
Except the country is America where that's the case.
If, our beloved push towards "diversity and inclusiveness" is to be believed, then they should only constitute at most 2% of those positions. But instead it's a vast majority. In academia alone they are overrepresented by 1,500 times (note, that's 150,000%).
It's at this point when you can now say, you're "connecting the dots". As proving unethical nepotism is often more difficult when its hidden as opposed to the other information posted where they are explicit.