as I stood on the shore, I could not belive my eyes, there was no beauty, there was nothing but the most shocking and disgusting displays of "humanity" going on , and all of it seemingly just another day, business as usual on the banks of the the right of me about 20 yds out in the water, a rotting bloated corpse and what was left of the funerary floated by with a bird pecking out a rotted eye from the socket, not to far out I saw a pair of wrapped up feet bob upside down and then dissapear under the waterline. Then a short distance away there were several people deficating and urinating in the water, and DOWNSTREAM from that were people chugging the water and brushing their teeth with floating turds waffling by....FUCKING GROSS DISGUSTING UNHUMAN FILTH use the rived as a place to dump dead bodies, you piss and shit in it, you then brush your teeth and drink it, you are fucking the most disgusting race I think I have ever seen in my life.