>>11681427Those are demons. Prior to coming back Home, when I was an atheist, I would close my eyes and see otherworldly and sometimes grotesque faces morphing into one another. When I joined TST, they became worse. I tried to convince myself it was just some weird part of my imagination or pareidolia, but they would manifest out of the little remnants of light when I closed my eyes without any effort on my part. I wouldn’t see them all the time, but frequently enough to become worrisome. Ever since I was Confirmed and began praying and meditating on God’s Will, His Justice and Mercy, I haven’t experienced them since. I did have an incubus come once shortly after receiving Confirmation, which was scary. I felt him in my room after I woke up from a nightmare where he took on the guise of an ex and tried to pull me into a sex dream. I pulled away in the dream and the incubus was not happy with that. I felt him in my room after I awoke and have never been that scared in my life. I prayed to St. Michael but I didn’t know the whole prayer yet, so I repeated “St. Michael, defend us in battle” over and over, and imagined him thrusting his spear into its skull and our Lady standing triumphantly over its carcass. Eventually the incubus left. It was like the darkness in my room had turned into a black goo that enveloped me, and then after it left the darkness went back to normal and I just fell asleep.
Anyways, your Guardian Angel won’t show himself to you, nor should you name him. Just remember that demons will present themselves to you as angelic figures to lead you astray. Your guardian angel would never do that, because he serves God and if he did, would lead to you idolizing the creation (Angel) instead of the Creator.