Domain changed to . Feb 14-25 still awaits import.
[67 / 15 / ?]

No.11686639 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
> longest life span in the world
> lowest crime rate in the world
> world class beef & fish
> world class transport network
> world class electronics
> world class education
> world class whiskey and sake
> world class robotics
> world class automobiles
> world class motorcycles
> word class gaming entertainment
> world class night life
> world class women
> world class wives
> world class shopping
> world class internet network
> third largest economy in the world
> already selling 16k TVs
> same birth rate as whites
> everything made in Japan
> invented crypto currency
> no illegal immigrant problems
> legal sexual services
> zero sjw problems
> free to own firearms
> no mass shootings
> no covid lockdowns
> saved 4chan from bankruptcy

Have you bowed down to the rising sun today?