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Constant anal rape thread

ID:mcUOWnWA No.11687026 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
banging upstairs
dick zapper

I recently saw a post about drug cartels that made me think someone was saying I am in one. I, the Lord, have not lowered my station in life to be a member of drug cartel and the suggestion is ridiculous. If I am in a drug cartel, then where are my money and women and assassins? I am not even remotely affiliated with the cocaine world and usually I do not even know where to get the marijuana that I enjoy. All of my comments about Los Zetas are framed in the context of someone I know, one of the disguise monsters of the manager at Alliance, having intimated to me that he is the chief of Los Zetas. While I thought we were friends, which we may be, I often wished him success in his endeavors. Just like his knowing me doesn't mean he works for the Lord, me knowing him doesn't mean that I work for a drug cartel. People can casually remark that they hope the Lord prevails over the world without themselves being the Lord's servants. Likewise, I, the Lord, can hope the criminals I know defeat the criminals I don't know without any implication that I myself am a part of that criminal enterprise. I am most offended to think someone might think I was in a cartel. If I joined a cartel, what did I get for joining? What was my incentive? There was none and even if it was incentivized to me, I would not have had any interest in secrets, mafia politics, and gangster shit. I do not care for that sort of thing and I have no interest in it at all.

It reminds me of something that happened in 2018. I was using the internet at McDonald's and some stalker came to walk by and say to me, "We didn't think you were taking your job seriously." What job did she think I had that I wasn't taking seriously? It was easy for to believe that the reason I was living in filth on the street without a paycheck was because I had some job which I wasn't taking seriously, but she did not seem to consider that whomever had told her I had a job had lied to her.