>>11695260The idea which I'm getting as well. But I thought that GeenPeil was actually a succes, in a sense that we had a referendum and the government blatantly ignored what they had done. Instead he has gone back to sucking off the VVD and promote infighting.
>>11695266>I know Nederpol loves etnonationalismMeh, it's mostly edgy memes and people realizing that if we keep the floodgates wide open and allow all sort of other ethno-nationalist groups to take hold that we'll be fucked as well. I don't know about Freek, as I can't give a rats ass about the JFVD, but all I saw is that some of them made slightly edgy remarks in a groupapp and some people following an instagram profile which was likewise being edgy.
>Furthermore, Geenstijl en Nanninga are still really friendlykek, I saw the interview they recently held and to me it seems like the faggots over at Geenstijl would rather have her split-off, not sure what they're playing at. But between them begging for subscribing to their platform (so you can comment on their moderated threads) and all of the ads they're trying to sell they seem to be going the way of Fox News.
>>11695278Die shit gaat nergens over, voor het eerst in tijden weer eens op twitter gekeken en ik moet zeggen dat het alsnog tegenviel hoe kanker-dom twitterend Nederland is.
>>11695286>Implying I tell any of this shit in group apps>Implying I'm even a card carrying member of FVD or JFVDPeople say worse things outside of the internet, I'm just highlighting how the "shockblog" dudes seems to have an ongoing vendetta for people in the youth part of the party sharing edgy memes. It more than reinforces the notion that they're part of the very problem or they wouldn't have made such an issue about it.