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Get back my earphones

ID:xugAbXUr No.11716076 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>be me
>go another country for education
>coordinator says she’ll take us to open air gym
>can’t wait to see the gym
>mfw she brought us to public kid park
>f*ck it and try to enjoy
>put off my earphones and hang them my neck
>when playing I wanted to check if they are ok
>can’t find them
>mfw I can’t find them
>realised that some highschool bastards took it
>prepare a lost paper about it
>put 250PLN prize for it
>some kid writes me that he has my earphone
>arrange a meeting in public park
>he brings my earphones
>want to check if they are ok
>thanks to god they’re ok
>he asks about his prize
>punch him hard
>I got my earphones back and judged a thief
>mfw I realised I became a justise king
>pic related.png