>>11735306I used to speed cut down trees with an axe.
Wooden handles would keep breaking.
Switched to steel but it would bend after a few trees, spent months experimenting welding strips in certain places to stop it from bending.
I don't cut down trees any more but still have that axe.
Got to keep the weight at the end and not in the handle. Got to keep the weight enough for the blade to cleave through a blades width and not more. You look stupid if your axe is too heavy because the blade will get stuck in something when you are swinging it around and you wont be able to pull it free.
You actually release your grip the millisecond before the blade hits because if you hit concrete or steel you will break your fingers(see weight of handle), even cutting trees will give you joint problems if you don't have soft hands on the handle at impact.
No one continues to approach you when you are holding a full length axe.Not me anyway I am 6'4" and most people have seen me cut down trees with it.