>>11765407>what about ayyyyys and the Superwaffen and the Flugscheiben.The ayyys are real and they are involved. However, they are not physical beings subject to space-time, rather they are non-material and they travel through time, not through space.
Since the beginning of humanity, there were two different philosophies between the ayyys. Some wanted to keep humanity enslaved and treat them like cattle to be milked for energy. Those were the nefilim described in the bible who caused greatest crimes towards humanity and were eventually punished and removed, yet there are still those who seek the enslavement of huamnity.
Those are the ones who run this world. The cabal elites are nothing but their human collaborateurs, they recieve great power from them as long as they further their agenda.
Then there were those who believed that humanity should be guided towards enlightment and awakening. They are proponents of light and freedom. They see humans as children and treat them with love. They do send people here to further the cause of the light, which is to guide humanity towards liberation, empowerment and spiritual awakening.
This is the great war described in the bible. "Satan" is just the pussy ass nigga in charge of this corrupt system of things. They are literally just a colonoy of non-physical aliens occupying this world to milk human for energy and have human collaborateurs who we know as the eite.
Trump is send by the light and they know it. This is why the ENTIRE system is coming down on him - the media, the universities, the politics - the entire system is trying to break trumps. Years of impeachment scandals and other things.
They are afraid of him, because he is chosen for this momet in time to oppose them. he will pave the way for the great happening that will occur after.
They will NOT win. God is with us