[17 / 6 / ?]
32KiB, 500x305, tumblr_60a1b8fb1d5d9ee27758c156bc282b52_da43d261_500.jpg
>be 21
>average in literally every sense
>have bpd
>ruin all my relationships
>everyone thinks im awkward and weird
>no friends
>imposter syndrome
>meds not working anymore been having an episode for a weeks straight
>just want to live a normal life and be a normal adult
>constantly reminded of how different i am
post surrealist depression memes
>average in literally every sense
>have bpd
>ruin all my relationships
>everyone thinks im awkward and weird
>no friends
>imposter syndrome
>meds not working anymore been having an episode for a weeks straight
>just want to live a normal life and be a normal adult
>constantly reminded of how different i am
post surrealist depression memes