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Tic Toc, anon

ID:Nh8dS2DW No.11834450 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
The time goes by
The past increases
The future decreases
You get uglier and uglier
Your body grows weaker
Your learning capacity gets worse
Your hair falls
Your strenght wanes away
Your grandparents are the firsts to go
Then your parents. uncles and aunts
Then your siblings, cousins and friends
Death used to be something that only happened to others, but now you feel your time coming
You are on your deathbed now, anon, nothing can be done
You think back to the old days
Some achievements and a lot of regrets
If only you could go back, you think to yourself, but that just isn't possible
Your consciousness fades away
It's over.

Time makes all things age, but Time itself doesn't age.
Tic Toc.