>>1186252Google's strong presence as *the* search engine for all of the Internet allows it to control the content that users are able to reach. In other words, by using a closed-source search engine, you are not only being censored; you are allowing censorship to continue.
Remember when Google “changed their algorithms” to ban fake news? They could do the same with just about anything else. A new video-sharing website has popped up that is competing with YouTube? Gone. Just like that.
Thanks to censorship, Google can control what news you see online. Google could control an election to be strongly in the favor of one political candidate.
What matters more than what Google does tell you, is what it won't.
This kind of control is a huge concern which undermines the freedoms guaranteed in democracy. I strongly advise anyone not only to avoid using Google services, but also to use a decentralized search engine. I won't recommend anything in particular in order to avoid unnecessary bias.
And I haven't even mentioned how Google tracks you everywhere around the web.