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ID:Rku0Q7QS No.1184835 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>At large amusement park with wife
>Waiting in line for roller coaster
>Family in front of us, dad, mom, 2 kids
>One parent and kids get on coaster, other parent stays back to "get photos"
>Other parent moves past "safe boundaries" of line in order to get good angle on coaster
>Park attendant asks parent to get back in line
>"I'm sorry (deferential term of respect), but you're out of bounds. Please get back into the line"
>"But I'm trying to get the best photos. I can't get those from the line. Besides, I'm not in any danger and I'm not putting anyone else in danger"
>"I'm sorry (deferential term of respect), but rules are rules. You have to get back in line"
>"Then I'll be forced to call security"

Now, I have eliminated accents, colloquialisms, and other identifying factors. Using your deductive prowess, determine the following: race, sex, and age of both parties in the conflict.

After you have determined these things, answer this question: which person's attitude will be the downfall of western society, and why?