>>11922101No violence this;
Republicans and the Main stream Media's election tampering
Here is an idea I saw online. There are 74 million voters who voted for Trump. This is for you. What would the main stream media do without advertising from the business world. Most likely they would go out of business. So how would we the 74 million Trump supporters accomplish this. Simple! The article urges us to watch the main stream media for a week and write down the names of companies advertising on the main stream medias networks and BOYCOTT every company that advertises with the fake media. That is the only way to make the media pay for pulling the wool over 80 million voters eyes who voted for the Corrupt Biden. The article also asked that 74 million Trump supporters place this post everywhere online possible. If we don't beat them then that means they beat us. Stand up for America. and start posting this ad everywhere. If you don't you will be putting your tail between your legs and running away, as the saying goes. Come on Trump supporters do your thing and show the main stream media ,who by the way the FCC should be doing something about, that we are not going to let the media conspiracy run the country and let the media know just how powerful we all are. We must do this. I guess the movement has already started because I found it online.