[38 / 10 / ?]

511KiB, 840x488, 145f2b37f4f2c9e1f8ab5cc5c5fea597e58019ab505f21dcb1b345c210e6bad0.gif
Quoted By: >>11929348 >>11929360 >>11929825 >>11929990 >>11930006 >>11930036
>be me
>trying to code
>write something
>run it
>get 20 errors
>umm... what?.jpg
>look around the code for an hour
>focusing super hard
>literally unable to find one mistake
>take one look at it again
>notice theres a quotation mark missing
>fix it
>run the program
>it actually works
>mfw I spend hours trying to fix a program and I actually fix it
>trying to code
>write something
>run it
>get 20 errors
>umm... what?.jpg
>look around the code for an hour
>focusing super hard
>literally unable to find one mistake
>take one look at it again
>notice theres a quotation mark missing
>fix it
>run the program
>it actually works
>mfw I spend hours trying to fix a program and I actually fix it