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Declassifying Everything

No.11945169 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Literally Q here anons. I dropped by to tell you the following information:
Trump won the election big time. The plan is on track, next week Joe Biden is going to be "inaugurated" POTUS but this is only a ruse to fool the Deep State. In reality Trump is going underground in a special complex in New Mexico from where he WILL dictate the American policy for the next four years using our agent "Biden" as a proxy.
The reason for this is to prevent the Kamala loyalists from seizing power in the USA, Biden knows with Kamala his days are numbered so he's with us. Don't be fooled, this is 4D chess to infiltrate the soft underbelly of the dragon and stab it where it hurts. The operation has been given the name Andorra Tomorrow (will explain this in another post). Next week all you Patriots should watch Biden's body language very carefully during his acceptance speech.
The Patriots won this election and we are going to keep on winning.
Don't let those looking to sow dissent have an effect on you, don't take my word for it, THINK about it. Why do you think that none of our ironclad fraud cases got to the SCOTUS? Why do you think Pence validated election results he knows are fraudulent? Do you really think for a second that Donald J. Trump is so incompetent and stupid as to go to an election using Venezuelan voting machines?
The answer is simple, really. This is the biggest sting operation in human history. We infiltrated the DNC back in 2017 and flipped Biden, we used him to diminish the protagonism of communist extremist like Bernie Sanders. Joe Biden is our double agent. He is starting to implement policies that aggravate the Maoist-Marxists like cutting the stimulus check.