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!!XSkdT1ohRRg ID:2Zfs3zN7 No.1195419 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>be american
>get shot

>be canadian
>marry a woman
>have kids
>wife longs for big black cock
>starts cheating on you instead of being up-front about it
>the bitch wanted you for the money and the nigger for the cock
>wife divorces
>takes all your money and your kids
>turn to drinking
>meet someone
>you are both interested in Canadian politics
>mention something about limiting the flow of islamic refugees into the country
>obese landwhale purple-hair feminist SJW hears you
>police come to arrest you
>get out of jail in 5 years
>no home, you get gibsmedats and get a house in the projects
>local niggers hear about the heinous crime you committed
>get shot with a gun they stole from the canadian police who let them take it with no repercussions