>>11975186It varies a lot from state to state. Ohio and Michigan are world's apart from Nebaska and Kansas, so much so that I don't think they should be considered the same region.
But in general, I would say that the midwest is good, and it is in general a decent place to raise a family. That being said if you're a single adult then it generally sucks compared to coastal liberal megalopolises.
Example, every midwestern city is a nigger-ridden shithole which really nice lily white suburbs (which are rapidly diversifying). So, Kansas City as an urban area sucks in terms of crime and education. But across the stateline in Overland Park, Kansas you have some of the best schools and safest communities in the entire nation. Same with Detroit or St. Louis. The suburbs of dying midwestern cities can be great, but they are changing fast.
Drug addiction is big in the midwest because there isn't much to do. I'm from one of the biggest cities in Missouri. Besides going to bars and restaurants, there really aren't very many activities to do. I mean sure there are museums and sporting events, but all of that costs money. There aren't trails people want to hike on, or beaches nearby, or mountains or other things you can do for free/cheap.
Another problem with the midwest is brain drain. A lot, if not most, of the smartest midwesterners end up leaving to take jobs in California or New York or Texas or Washington. Some smart people stay behind because they found success, but every smart person in the midwest who didn't get a 6 figure job out of college has moved somewhere else. Because of this there's a huge drugs and alcohol problem. Especially for people who are working class, there's nothing else to do that is fun besides drink and get high. I know that's kind of how it is everywhere but it's really bad in the midwest and getting worse imo