It's obvious that Biden will be president and things are gonna get shitty for this country. There exists no peaceful solution. Republicans are globalist cuck traitors and will never win again, demographic time bomb plus rigged elections means nationalists no longer have any say in the governance of this country (by design).
It's time we start talking about how we fight back against an illegitimate occupying government. Since people are pussies there is a zero percent chance that an armed insurrection will work. My first proposal is simple. We start leveraging the same 4th generation warfare weapons against the establishment that they have leveraged against us. Namely the weapon of economics.
Outsourcing, inflation, de-industrialization, illegal workers, H1B workers, "free trade", quantitative easing for banks and corporations etc. These are just some of the weapons they have used on the American public to drive the public into poverty and compliance.
We must start striking back against this system economically until free and fair elections (tracked on an open source blockchain) are ensured by the federal government to eliminate voting fraud.
The first course of action is to exit the domestic financial system. Crypto (non American blockchains preferably, or completely decentralized), gold, international markets, foreign bank accounts etc. Whatever you want to do, the point is we should have a financial exit of every nationalist in this country. Cash in your 401k and buy bitcoin. Starve the banking establishment and the economy of your money. Hit them in the only place they care about (the pocketbook). Could you imagine what would happen if 80 million Americans cashed out their 401k and retirement accounts to buy crypto or keep their money in offshore accounts (like our political establishment already does). It would slaughter the stock market and the banks who would need trillions of dollars from the fed to stay afloat, hyperinflating the dollar.