hello friends this episode of the podcast is brought to you by jamie, pull that up about roy jones taking mexican supplements for me. yeah man california, amirite? jordan petersucker is jus so misrepresented by the left. can you believe that they didnt say the protests were spreading covid? what a bunch of big democrats. i cant believe the left, did you hear what the left said last week? graham hancock is smart, but hes just so left. tim poole is so fucking smart omg, i just want him to shoot hot logic all over my onnit™ kettlebells that you can get up to 20% of by using codeword “rogan” at check out. these covid restrictions are a perfect excuse to skip out on californias crazy tax that theyre trying to tske my spotify money with. milo is so controversial haha omg i cant believe twitter is deleting him hes so helpless out there. texas is so great, california bad. when will the left understand that fallon fox can just go to
onnit.com and buy all the alphabrain ™ and shroomtech sport ™ instead of taking these great americans liberty with these draconian lockdowns? has cnn lost their god damn minds? hunter bidens hilarious crack addiction is responsible for just as many deaths and where was the lockdown for that? carlos mencia can suck my bondo ape. this episode was sponsered by the muthafuckin stoned ape theory. just downloaf the ben shapiro app at blackriflecoffee.con to start your free trial today