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ID:91AkD08d No.11995392 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Alrighty faggots.

So I'm a manlet. 5'5 but present well, and for some reason this gives me 3 options in the dating game.

1. Super mega fatties.
2. Reasonably good looking with good bods but batshit fucking crazy
3. Married women.

Now normally I go for the crazy ones even though it ends horribly every time.

Very rarely have I dipped into the married ones. 3 times in my life all up, but had a lot hit on me and try to fucking get me to fuck them on the side.

The thing is though, they ALWAYS insist on doing things in the most stupid ways possible, almost as if they WANT to get caught. Texting on work phones. Messaging on facebook knowing full well their husband could come across it. Sending text messages at stupid hours of the night.

What's the fucking deal with this? Do they have a fucking fetish for being caught? Is this just a dumb australian woman thing or is it worldwide?

Cheers faggots.