>>304788658they are not necessarily.
Show off attention whores on social media are usually bad. Real computer scientists or just normal scientists (all sciences nowadays require some coding) can be really good.
I was introduced to programming 18 years ago by a women doing her PhD in partilce physics (did an internship at the experiment she was part of, she ended up being my supervisor).
Her code calibrated a CCD device using a Caesium-137 sample to be used to detect possible Axions from the sun, a candidate for dark matter. It was all pure C with some Java for the GUI.
Later another girl introduced me to Haskell (about 15 years ago).
Its tru 99.99% of the women cannot code and do not want to code, as opposed to 99% of the men.
The rise of mickey-mouse proglangs like Javascript and everything else web-related, combined with rising salaries and huge IPOs of tech companies has attracted many to the tech field who have no business being there. Still I am not sure if this does not apply to men about equally. The code quality nowadays is pure trash across the board.