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HOI4 makes people Right-Wing?

No.12013928 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I have a lot of friends who are, or at least were, Left-Wing. I've had Socialist friends, Anarchist friends, Communist friends, Social Democrats, Progressives, etc.

I had 8 keys to HOI4 after a glitch on G2A, and I gifted them to my friends, many of whom were Leftists I talked about above.

Every single one of them has said things which if I were to say would've gotten me labelled as "Nazi-sympathizer".

"Germany was right to invade all those countries."
"France started it; what do you expect people to do when you occupy a country for your own ego?"
"The Holocaust isn't really important."
"Good thing Hitler invaded the USSR or it might've eclipsed the West."
"The Nazis had the best aesthetics."
"If the Allies saw 2020 they would've joined the Nazis."
"Hitler must've been a great leader if he went from Weimar to conquering Europe in 10 years."
"Germany was the best country during the depression."
"Whatever economic system Germany had is the best system we've tried."
"I read one of Mosley's books."
"Mussolini wasn't anymore extreme than Churchill."

Is HOI4 the best propaganda piece yet?