>>12020909Everyone is hating on this post but he isn't completely wrong.
They have shut down the WSB sub and discord so now they are free to demonize them without anyone looking into it. By Monday if not tomorrow the NASDAQ will suspend trading on GME and probably other hedge fund fuck up short squeezes as well (AMC etc).
The (((billionaires))) will find the holders and stop them from cashing out or they will sue the ones who do. Even if there is no big FED or SEC actions these huge conglomerates have lawyers that cost more than your house for a meet and greet. And eventually there probably will be some kind of totalitarian action from the SEC just to kick the nuts of the little guy, the retail investor trying to get a leg up in life.
But on top of how fucked up all that is the worst part is they are going to get the mouth breathing public to go along with it by labeling it as "hateful" and "an attack on our financial system" on all of their fucking mouth piece networks. Best case scenario is it will wake up normies but really what the fuck does it matter at this point. Corporations are pretty much just doing whatever the fuck they want out in the open these days. They just cheated a child molesting corpse into office for fuck sake. Why can't they lock out the middle class from investing and call them white nationalist scum while doing it?