>>12045226Annoying Orange is an American live-action/animated comedy web series created by former Minnesota film student and MTV production assistant Dane Boedigheimer in 2009. It stars its creator as an anthropomorphic orange who annoys fruits, vegetables, and various other objects by using jokes and puns.
The show became popular, later leading to its becoming the subject of a TV series, a video game, a range of toys, backpacks, couches, pillows, blankets, lunchboxes, drink bottles, mattresses, towels and a T-shirt line. Other accessories, such as costumes of the series' characters, have also appeared on the market for the company.
Since its inception, the Annoying Orange YouTube channel has amassed around 10.5 million subscribers
The show is centered on Orange (voiced by Dane Boedigheimer), who resides on in a kitchen with other foods and objects such as his best friend, Pear, an irritable but geeky Bartlett pear (also voiced by Boedigheimer). Other fruits include Passion, a sensible passion fruit and Orange's love interest played by Justine Ezarik, an arrogant grapefruit (voiced by Bob Jennings), a tiny but hot-blooded Red delicious apple known as Midget Apple (though he prefers the name Little Apple), a happy-go-lucky and slightly eccentric marshmallow who always sees everything filled with enthusiasm, and an elderly lemon named Grandpa Lemon, all of whom were gradually introduced into the show over the years.
The formula for most episodes consist of Orange heckling other characters until they meet a sudden and gruesome end, usually killed or mutilated by a chef's knife (although the implements used to cut them up range from a blender to a toy pinwheel).