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what do

ID:2lJyvIeL No.12049937 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>be me
>20 years
>still in high school
>abusive parents
>father, a fucking loser, made a fucking drama because a man asked mother a question on the phone while she was phoning with her girlfriend
last year:
>father literally tried to stab me
>spit on me in front of police
>mother said will give you money to move out if father will not get better
>let's father back in
>wants ME to kiss HIS hands
>did it, because...
>fake happy family for a fucking year
>physically and mentally fucking done
>but getting stronger
>plan to move out
>mother lied to me, stupid bitch
>will make a call tomorrow for a job
>will get it but high school will be a lot harder, no car, only bike to job, no busses or trains, about 10km, work in the night and go to school
>friend helps me with moving
>strong friend of another friend just watching my back while packing stuff so I don't get stabbed
>mother cries and tries to manipulate me
>fuck her, she let it all happen, all the bad things
>oh and they are catholics, how great
>literally forcing me into church for years, even after I got 18, and by forcing I mean forcing
>still fucking done, my life was hell on earth
I have two little brothers which get punched every couple days, one is 12 and the other 3:
>I fear for their lives, even tho I'm not directly responsible
>mother is not a bad person, but manipulates, forces me into church and let me get beaten and insulted for years by father and nearly let him back into the house WHILE father was trying to stab me
>fuck her