>>12083718>A few roasties make tictoks.>"All women are trash".>ignore the vast number of marriages that are going swimmingly>muh divorce statisticsWhen you see a drunk driver crash their car into a ditch you don't think "gosh I'm so lucky that didn't to me" and you don't think "cars are too dangerous, I'm going to walk from now on."
No, you think "I'm not going to be a feckless dipshit and do dumb stuff that will lead to a car crash".
If you think your chances in love or marriage align with the statistics then you're wrong. You're actually in the category of people that will fail.
If you're the kind of person who doesn't care about the statistics because you know you're better than the average chump anyway then you're guaranteed to win.
As usual, losers always want a qualifier explaining that they're not really losers, it's just that the game was rigged.