>>12109826This isn't the burn you think it is. Let me explain something to you. Our Turkish genes are very potent, so potent that many societies have created a guideline known as the 'One Drop Rule'. The One Drop Rule states that anyone with any amount of Turkish genes is Turkish. We Turks have a strong desire to spread our Turkish genes, this desire exists in both in Turkish men and women. Now typically we control our women and not allow them to express this desire. Typically children follow the culture of their father, and while we want to spread Turkish genes, we also want to spread Turkish culture. It is why so many of us follow Islam, it is great for controlling women. I too have this desire to colonize white women. I am thinking about moving to Ireland so that I can spread my Turkish genes into Ireland. If I am successful, the whole Island will be Turkish within 10 generations. I could also stay here too as well, try to do the same.
My point is this, we Turks support race-mixing to spread our Turkish genes, and we also don't care what our women think, because they are subserviant to their fathers and husbands.