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No.12121899 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I feel like my life is consumed by nigger antics. Whether it's something benign and stupid like Kanye West being an ultra nigger and stealing the microphone from Taylor Swift, or some fucking retarded pink haired nigger BLM leader telling all blacks that it's ok to loot and steal cause "muh reparations"

Listening to black people talk and reason is migraine inducing. People often compare them to children, but even children aren't so arrogant and retarded. Pretty sure my 5 year old nephew has more reasoning ability and compassion than a 35 year old nigger.

They LITERALLY cannot see the world from any perspective besides their own narrow and low IQ field of view. I mean if they had just one moment of lucidity, they'd realize how absolutely tiresome they are to EVERYONE they come in contact with.

Will this never end? It's all so tiresome. Seriously considering moving to Japan just my future children and I won't have to deal with niggers.