>>12125396>and distorting the word of God?You are projecting.
>You will never deceive the Elect of God.Translation:
>I'm to retarded to have my mind changedI know.
I'm only an atheists showing you that the bible can be used to support whatever anyone wants and it was like this since forever there are no real instructions in the bible and all of you read the bible like this.
I'm only showing you that the bible supports more globo homo LGBT then your 4chan shit.
>the Elect of God.And we all know that your god is SATAN like you admitted.
>NOO the man who jesus told us is satan did say these things, the man jesus hated and told us he will deny jesus 3 times and and and and and that must mean he is saying the word of god !This is the problem with the bible is full of crap like this, the man you are quoting is named a satan by god himself.
These are the self contradictions you must obey.
You are of your father the devil like the bible says, the same way the children of the devil wanted to stone a woman who cheated on her husband and jesus called them the children of the devil and defended literally cućkin.
(2 can play the pastor game fagot!)