>>12136917you mudflood faggots are the flat earthers of archaeology. We dont have buildings like that anymore for two main reasons.
Number 1. all those resources have been mined up and used somewhere so now they are super expensive. That marble that goes for thousands of dollars a slab use to be cheaper than fucking concrete bricks, especially when it was being mined up by child labor making pennies a day.
Number 2. The rich and powerful use to do these kinds of projects to show off their wealth and power, and to function as localized bribes. Now a days, when you want legislation done you go and your bribe a bunch of politicans with fiat currency. Nobody is the wiser because it's all pieces of paper or bytes on a computer passing hands. But back in the day, if some fucker wanted to steal an election or get a bunch of laws changed, they'd have to go around and say 'lol man i sure hope you vote for this, why lookie here, i just built you a new library isn't that nice?' Why the fuck do you think there are so many carnagie or rockefeller libraries? Because some rich robber baron thought poor people needed a place to read? No, retard. They donated those public work projects in exchange for political support.
>muh tartariaaa, it's real. I have maps made by conmen from the 1600s!Before air travel, most maps were made by random retards who basically made educated guesses. When they weren't sure, they'd make shit up.
Stop consuming this garbage. Bunk conspiracy theories that don't touch any actual controversy or taboos are basically junk food for your mind. They make you feel smart and clever for uncovering 'secret' information but you don't actually put yourself in any kind of risk by messing with established powers or touching societal taboos.