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As a catholic, I can't ignore that the Church is into some deep "Mary Worship"

No.12154415 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
and here's why it is wrong.

Isn't it ironic and fascinating how the Church keeps talking about heresies yet ends up creating one about Mary?

The Church says that Mary is :

-The mother of God
>Hence the Church confesses that Mary is truly “Mother of God” (Theotokos)CCC (The Catechism of the Catholic Church)
Theotokos is wrongly translated, it actually means the God-bearer

- Sinless
>By the grace of God Mary remained free of every personal sin her whole life long. CCC
Rom 3:23 - Luke 1:47 - 1 John 1:8

- Ascended into heaven
>974 The Most Blessed Virgin Mary was taken up body and soul into the glory of heaven, where she already shares in the glory of her Son’s Resurrection, anticipating the resurrection of all members of his Body. CCC
Why would the Catholic church invent this?

- a perpetual virgin
>The Church confess Mary’s real and perpetual virginity even in the act of giving birth to the Son of God made man.154 In fact, Christ’s birth “did not diminish his mother’s virginal integrity but sanctified it.”155 CCC
A simple reading of Scripture shows us that Mary was not a perpetual virgin. The fact that Matthew 1:25 tells us that Joseph didn’t have sexual relations with Mary until she bore Jesus clearly shows that when he was born they consummated the marriage. Matthew 12:46 shows us that Jesus had half-brothers and sisters.

- a mediator
>Turn, then, most gracious advocate, thine eyes of mercy toward us.
1 Tim 2:5 - Rom 8:34 - Heb 7:24-26 - John 14:6-1 Peter 1:3

- Queen of heaven
>“The Immaculate Virgin, preserved free from all stain of original sin, when the course of her mary queenearthly life was finished, was taken up body and soul into heavenly glory, and exalted by the Lord as Queen over all things,
By exalting Mary in this way it is minimizing the uniqueness of Christ. He was the only one completely pure, without sin, who ascended to Heaven, who intercedes for us, who is the way the truth and the life.