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Quoted By: >>12170146 >>12170148 >>12170150 >>12170151 >>12170152 >>12170153 >>12170154 >>12170155 >>12170157 >>12170158 >>12171429 >>12171447 >>12172145
It's a well-documented fact that whites are genetically inferior to PoC in every way. Black people are more athletic, more soulful, more creative, more attractive, resist better to the sun, can handle spicy food better, are better dancers, better lovers, are better endowed, and last but not least are more intelligent. Jared Diamond noticed when studying Papuan children that, setting aside racist IQ tests, their intellect was far superior to that of white children of the same age. Why then do whites benefit from white supremacy and privilege, despite their obvious genetic inferiority?
Diamond tried to explain this with the fact they had access to better crops and animals and were favored by geography, dumb luck basically. But actually the answer is more basic than that. It's genetics.
As we know, Africa is the home of mankind and civilization. Of the many African civilizations, Egypt is just the most recent, and the only one that whites haven't managed to erase completely, only disfigure as they did the Sphinx. But while humans prospered in Africa, another species lived in Europe: Neanderthals. These had no capacity for civilization or even speech, instead they were dumb vicious beasts, sharing many similarities with apes (just as whites do today, like white skin, thin lips, hairy bodies...), except far more violent and dangerous. As humans aka black people had established settlements in Southern Europe, these apebeasts started coming down from the North, kidnapping and raping human women. This lasted for several generations and slowly turned them into a hybrid species, part human and part beast: whites. Due to their human blood, whites had acquired considerable intelligence, but being part animal they of course remained inferior to black people in every way. Every way except one: their Neanderthal hatred and boundless thirst for blood.
Diamond tried to explain this with the fact they had access to better crops and animals and were favored by geography, dumb luck basically. But actually the answer is more basic than that. It's genetics.
As we know, Africa is the home of mankind and civilization. Of the many African civilizations, Egypt is just the most recent, and the only one that whites haven't managed to erase completely, only disfigure as they did the Sphinx. But while humans prospered in Africa, another species lived in Europe: Neanderthals. These had no capacity for civilization or even speech, instead they were dumb vicious beasts, sharing many similarities with apes (just as whites do today, like white skin, thin lips, hairy bodies...), except far more violent and dangerous. As humans aka black people had established settlements in Southern Europe, these apebeasts started coming down from the North, kidnapping and raping human women. This lasted for several generations and slowly turned them into a hybrid species, part human and part beast: whites. Due to their human blood, whites had acquired considerable intelligence, but being part animal they of course remained inferior to black people in every way. Every way except one: their Neanderthal hatred and boundless thirst for blood.