>>12173488you better make sure that baby is yours that's all I'm saying.
if you're thinking about interracial good luck you're going to have a s*** ton of problems and even if you were going to be the minority and she's going to be the white girl it's going to be tough man.
the strange thing is once you get married everyone's after your wife.
if you have daughters or young boys let me tell you something they are like the state's prized possession. They're not your kids in reality.
I'm being honest with you here, keep them away from the Jews. I had no idea how many are Jews and Juice sympathisers around me and I had no idea about the concept until I started looking into it.
it's not so much the people that's not really how it works but it's the organization's and everything that's built around them and society that absolutely destroys any chance of family in the West.
whatever you do, do your best to keep your children and your family in a neighborhood that is not only as white as possible but also as free from corruption and the church if possible.
this sounds stupid right? do yourself a favor and look who runs a Church's I don't care which one it is you'll see what I'm talking about.
also have more than two kids
have at least five if you can swing it.
and do whatever you can to get your family involved if they're good.
be ready to kill degenerate that's all I'm saying