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Quoted By: >>12185228 >>12185229 >>12185230 >>12185236 >>12185243 >>12185244 >>12185248 >>12185249 >>12185251 >>12185254 >>12185255 >>12185256 >>12185257 >>12185258 >>12185259 >>12185260 >>12185262 >>12185266 >>12185271 >>12185273 >>12185275 >>12185281 >>12185282 >>12185284 >>12185290 >>12185292 >>12185293 >>12185294 >>12185296 >>12185298 >>12185299 >>12185302 >>12185303 >>12185304 >>12185305 >>12185306 >>12185316 >>12185320 >>12185325 >>12185329 >>12185332 >>12185333 >>12185339 >>12185344 >>12185347 >>12185359 >>12185361 >>12185368 >>12185376 >>12185382 >>12185388 >>12185391 >>12185392 >>12185394 >>12185397 >>12185401 >>12185402 >>12185407
More and more, men are retreating to virtual reality rather than engaging in real world activities. Video games have replaced sports. Pornography has replaced courtship. So many men would rather work a dead end job that pays 50-60k, come home and play Vidya, jerk off, then go to sleep.
Many women don't mind this arrangement NOW because they're off riding the cock carausel, but what happens when they 35-40 and looking to settle down? There will be a lot of men either unable or uninterested in getting married. We already have a low birthrate in the West as is. The coming 10-25 years are going to be a fucking disaster.
Many women don't mind this arrangement NOW because they're off riding the cock carausel, but what happens when they 35-40 and looking to settle down? There will be a lot of men either unable or uninterested in getting married. We already have a low birthrate in the West as is. The coming 10-25 years are going to be a fucking disaster.