80% of women are normies who never think about consequences or care about what truly happens to others outside of what could personally benefit themselves by appearing to care, and they have an inflated sense of self-worth.
19.5% of women are fembot hambeasts/severe autists that you will never encounter unless they are forced to leave their bedrooms and interact with society, and they have an inflated sense of self-worth regardless.
0.5% of women are genuinely smart and confident in their beliefs which they built via research and philosophy; these women know they are too good and will likely miss out of having children by focusing on their personal goals and career.
In short, you will settle down with a normie roastie in her mid-30s and you will like it. Just try to avoid the single moms for your own sake.
>>12185465Same. I want to fuck most mature women I encounter and would happily spend time with them but I only want a serious long-term relationship with someone my age.