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No.12190118 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
what are the political ramifications of our entire history being fabricated and stolen in order to secure the power of those who already have it
entire swaths of our history erased in order to fit political or religious ideologies

>1500ish there was a single unified civilization and culture, which eventually became destroyed and fractured into many pieces by some force
>numerous views on its original name, including titles like Tartaria, Scythia, Sarmatia, etc
>had a suzerainty as a government structure (likely the biggest reason for covering it up)
>echoes of the past, gathered bit by bit, reveal that people of the recent past went through a global war and several planetary catastrophes
>the symbol of an 8-pointed star and a moon (crescent) seen throughout the world, later taken by muslim nations and attributed to them (part of covering up history, re-appropriating symbols like rainbow flag)
>widely prevalent neolithic structures spanning the globe
>gulags in russia used to destroy these places brick by brick with slave labor
>same thing happened in the west with (((world fairs))), structures torn down with fake plaster buildings being built to have photo-ops as coverup
>culture and influence shown around the world, all wearing similar styles of clothing
>during the fracturing of this system from what seems like a cultural or breakdown from within many books and paintings describe large craft in the skies
>strange creatures on the earth
>large worldwide catastrophes
>people being whisked away onto craft into the stars
>cyclical in nature, polar shift, flood, massive wars, global spread of information, etc
>good guys taken away in rapture like events, the rest left to fend off what remains
>history then created by the victors to secure their power over those who remain behind

makes one wonder if ayys are just humans and we're there's a larger civilization out there