>>12225605"Pagan" is just a derogatory term for European faiths.
Christianity is "classical" (religious) Communism. Communism is "modern" (secular) Christianity. Marxism is the terminological bridge from Biblical text to all the various forms of secular Jewish subversion (i.e. feminism, White privilege, multiculturalism, tolerance). The first successful Communist revolution was the French Revolution. Modern Communists decimated 'spiritual' (classical) Christians with 'secular' (modern) Communists to reinforce Jewish interests post-industrial revolution. Christians were the Antifa of the antique, they destroyed 99% of the European books from that era.
The Mystical Body of Christ is what Communists imagine to be the People/Workers of the Edenic-Utopian ideal, where all behold the Abrahamic god eternally as one Mystical Body of Christ, it's eschatologically analogous to the Communist goal of a one-world commune ruled by Jews. All Abrahamic religions share an apocalyptic historical trajectory concluding in a one-world government of individual-destroying monism.
Jesus is a figure for Jews to model themselves on as fulfilled Jews, because a Christian is nothing more than a fulfilled Jew. Jesus, the King of the Jews from the line of David, is the classical version of a Che Guevara or a Fidel Castro. Jesus offers Europeans nothing other than a scapegoat for sin because Christianity is a remarketed bastardization of the Torah. Christianity is a cult of neutered sub-humans worshipping the Jew as a god in the belief that they will be saved.
Islam is Judaism for Arabs. Arabs are mass-produced Jews, the mongrel template that Jews stem from. Sharia and Noahide Law are 95% identical. Muslims hate Europeans more than they hate Jews and Jews hate Europeans more than they hate Muslims. Muslims are welcomed by Christians in the West because Christians are wannabe-Jews and Islam is the Old Testament expansion pack.
Atheism is any Abrahamic ideology in negative.