>>12236576I know, a typo, which I used to perform a snarky pun how you should first march as a soldier
>hows the writtingwell for the first time in a while theres minor improvement
I used to not be sure what I wanted but now that I debated it a bit with my dealer I think I got atleast a bare minimum of pinned points set
I hope to start writting soon, atleast all of the premises as well as exurbs of what might be the final text soon
though for once I can say I listened what you said and wrote something while on a overestimatwd dose of marijuana that ended up to be highly overwhelming with strong visual and auditory hallucinatoins yesterday as well as today (by sheer accident no less, I'm really dumb at dosing when I just pluck bits into a pipe instead of analy weight and meassuee the amount of ganja consumed)
yesterday, in the early hours of the day as I took a copious amount of herbaceous material I've been struck my series of intrusive thoughts that often broke the veil and manifested themselves as more than just thoughts- they were audible noises, ever visual aberations with only minor occurrence of aparitions taking form
in this state a slew of lyrics for a song I conceptualised back in 2019 called the Mayonasal addiction
today amidst the converaation woth my musically talented friend I semi hired as a possible music source for videotaped materials I plan to commit; when suddenly I was struck with an overly potent high arisen from the fact I brunched only but a snack
I wrote the lyrics to that song
hes thinking about it
we are febating how to produce atleast zhe instrumental portion of the song before I render the vocal portion trough trial and error
I also have a llama