>>12237468>except the "how to play" pageEVERY
They know pages and pages of stupid obscure shit and stand by their build (even though DM doesn't give a fuck) being legit down to the last detail. Nothing will piss me off nearly as much as a DM than the players who expect you to build some new rules for their stupid flavor RP bullshit.
>oooooh b-but this doesn't make sense and I want to be myaaaaaaaaaaFUCK YOU! :D
Monks can't be evil. Simple cut and dry shit but oh nooooo that's too much.
At least with Pathfinder you have to be rolling for something. I didn't like 5e just because of the fact that if you're a veteran roleplayer you don't even need a sheet for all intents and purposes. Sure we tried emphasis on tried to do that all the time in 3.5 and Pathfinder but it was really hard trying to memorize everything.
Bruh I'm not really one to talk about the whole memorizing the SRD thing because I build rogues and dear god help you if you're a rogue main. Every DM hates you, your party hates you and the only person who loves you is the book that tells you that shadow jump only needs dim light ;-;