>>12237330This 100% man. I hate this fucking bullshit from fat lazy boomers "They're doing the jobs Canadians don't want to do"
Speak for your fucking self you worthless faggots
I worked at a vineyard for 3 years when I was in highschool, it was some of the best work I've ever done. You're outdoors, you're working with your hands, sure it's repetitive work but it's more 'real' to me that the bullshit web design I do now. If I could be paid the same as I do to work on a farm, I absolutely would.
If Canadians were being paid competitive wages, they would absolutely take these jobs. But how can a Canadian compete with the fucking spic slave labour class that works 60+ hours a week for less than minimum wage with no benefits? The employer can literally hire two slaves for the cost of one citizen.
Over about twenty years, foreign workers have driven the competitive wages down to the point where they'll either pay you minimum wage or just hire a bunch of fucking spics and niggers on contract. No one is going to work physical labour jobs for the same pay as a fucking highschooler at Tim Horton's.
Our government doesn't care about us at all. They don't view their citizens as valuable in any way, they view them as economic units. Therefore, they don't really care WHO is picking the vegetables/fruits, they just want it done for the cheapest price. Canada is a fucking economic zone.