>>12243215they never did in the past
>interestingsee that's mproblem because this just scratches the surface and I got a ton more to tell you regarding the hallucinations
what triggers them, the nature of voices, nature of questioning reality said noises provide, how voices are usually followed by visual aberations
the effecr of poor eysight on visual halluconations, types of visual aberations and objects and entities
it's just that that tiny paragraph blew my load and I've been reading about yu gi oh arc v lore for some obscene reason, I started as 16 with tyker sisters amd now it's soon 20
>night and tiredsee
I am sleep deprived
I crash if I don't sleep for 8 hours a day
on a chance I don't but stay awake anyway the hallucinations get triggered (while sober) only at periods nearby microsleep seshions where thr body sets in the sleep state for only a matter of several seconds to minutes
I have lots do to throughot the day so the crashes were very common during first year of uni- though they were fueled by ephedrine psychosys
then I just narked out for 2 months, got better, stopped halucinatong and now they are back