>>12245378sure. australian vtubers as well
>>12245390maybe. i haven't done it so i can't say for sure. doesn't seem that hard for most things though. i wouldn't want to be translating poetry off rip for sure but even translating stuff like movies where you have to juggle getting the meaning of someone's words and their personality across without putting words in their mouth doesn't sound THAT much harder. meanwhile translating things like medical forms or software documentation is more an issue of understanding where there's gonna be a lot of niche jargon or specific instructions that need to come across which would be more a test of fully understanding the japanese.
while you're working on that stuff though there's all sorts of user manuals and websites that need translating and for those as long as you get all the proper information across somehow it doesn't really matter.
lol no, i took exactly 1 web design course before i dropped out. it wasn't even required and i'd barely be able to display more than a glorified spreadsheet from it. that's all frontend stuff that's just a different set of skills suffering from the same problem i described before. there's backend development too which is exactly the same as anything else
well the problem isn't that they can't teach everything, they just teach you the wrong skills. knowing things like algorithms and discrete mathematics gives you useful insights sometimes but are exactly the type of things you could learn when you need them. if they focused more on skills like properly interfacing with libraries/APIs, developing from a pre-established code base, making GUIs, or operating under version control then you'd actually be able to do something concrete with your skills. i don't think the majority of people who graduate with CS degrees would be able to make a standalone calculator app which is absolutely mind boggling because that sort of thing seems like the starting point to me
can't see me so no harm no foul