I used to be the same, but am going 3 years strong now of being unable to be aroused by homosexual fantasies.
The first thing that you have to fully understand is that your homosexual tendencies are a deviancy. They are not normal or natural. They are a perversion and you are a pervert. The sooner that you accept this, the quicker you will be able to undergo self-conversion therapy.
Then, go monk mode for a minimum of a month. No booze. No smoking. No caffeine. No masturbating. No porn. No takeaway. No social events. No social media.
Use this period to exclusively meditate, run at night time, listen to classical music (nothing else) and read religious texts. I don't care if you're not religious. Learn some fucking humility and maybe consider the fact that the millions of humans that have come before you might know a thing or two about the nature of reality that you don't.
During this time of reflection, focus on two things: find a part of yourself that you genuinely love, and discard the rest. Find something deep inside you that is actually worth preserving and then learn to hate everything else about you. Even the neutral habits or idiosyncrasies that you have, learn to hate them. They all contribute to the filthy fucking degenerate that you are.
When you're ready to see the world again, and truly love a part of yourself and hate the rest, you can resume some normality but now begin lifting. When your test is high, you're not going to want to sodomise men, you're going to want to breed with women. Focus hard on this tendency, and use it to motivate yourself.
Never masturbate or watch porn again.
This all sounds hard, but within 3 months you'll be on your way to not being a faggot.