>>12262371Nothing from the jews was something they invented. Most of the stories in the bible are plagiarized from other cultures but twisted in favor of jews.
The Ten Commandments is based off of the rules in the Egyptian Book of the Dead plus 4 tacked on jewish laws.
This is why abrahamism is completely void once you've tracked down the many sources plagiarized to form a single religion founded under the abrahamic umbrella.
They stole a myth, mystery, or tale in history; twisted it, re-published it, and over time worked to bury the existence of the original.
Why anyone who knows this would commit themselves to a jewish brand of plagiarism is beyond delusional.
Abrahamic religions are death cults that worship rape and destruction via the child-sacrificing god of Abraham. Abrahamic populations believe that the truth came after the lie.
Abrahamism = Cannanite rituals. This is the Afro-Asiatic way of life.
The Abrahamic god Yahweh claims that he made a covenant with the Jews.
Yahweh promised the Jews protection and preference, claiming that all enemies of Abraham and his descendants shall be accursed by him.
Jesus is a descendant of Abraham.
Yeshua (Jesus) was a radical revolutionary Jewish Rabbi who preached the destruction of hierarchy.
The Yahweh cult was originally polythetic, but for political purposes it was turned into a monolatrous cult designed to transfer maximum wealth and power into the Jewish priesthood.
The Bible is nothing more than an arbitrary conglomeration of Jewish texts compiled to support consolidation of Jewish interests against non-Jews.