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No.12293213 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I identify as a fascist and I'm having trouble finding women who desire to stick around after I tell them this fact.
Some info:
>20 years old
>in university
>have a job and a car
>live on my own (with roommates)

I use dating apps like Tinder and OKCupid and usually have really good first dates, intimacy is not a problem, usually we'll cuddle and/or makeout and girls generally call me really sweet and super nice. Problem is, after I mention I'm a fascist, regardless of their own views or position on the political spectrum, they suddenly hate me. All previous intimacy and all previous statements of admiration are throw out the window. It hurts.
I don't usually post here, I just lurk, so I want to know if anyone else is/has experienced anything similar and how they dealt with it. Love you tards

(yes I also posted this on /r9k/, lynch me)