Get in here for a risk thread. You know the drill>Name >Location >Color Read the map's rules as well, since there might be some new rules that didn't affect on previous risk maps, such as temperature. I will be playing too, starting in sweden. I am not a OPfag tho, so I won't be cheating or other shit Everyone starting with 5t
Iron Guard
>>1229348 Iron Guard
Dark Green
Stanley !kqpdN4UHxo
>>1229348 Stanley
Binland :DDDD
Binland in finland make it blue
Iron Guard !!yvm0QrHZZJQ
>>1229348 When do we start OP?
OP !!rbMyiH0Bf+c
>>1229418 >>1229441 >>1229419 gotcha, Stanley i spilled you to nearby indian t's.
>>1229447 Will wait few more mins, if nobody else joins, will start in 5 min orso
Also, new players can join anytime
Iron Guard !!yvm0QrHZZJQ
>>1229467 How does reputation work? Is undeclared/unjust war the only thing that effects it?
OP !!rbMyiH0Bf+c
>>1229490 yeah, only diplomacy related stuff, like breaking NAPS, alliances, etc. damage the reputation. The only exception is by sacrifying 3 points of reputation from you to damage someone's else reputation. It's all stated in the dipolmacy section
2 min and we start btw
Iron Guard !!yvm0QrHZZJQ
>>1229508 How can you fix reputation? Sacrifice a roll?
Serbian Principality
Serbian Principality Serbia Orange
Stanley !kqpdN4UHxo
OP !!rbMyiH0Bf+c
Let's get this started
>>1229519 hum i noticed that the rules don't say anything about it, but yeah we can do that sacrifying a roll restores you +1 rep
Iron Guard !!yvm0QrHZZJQ
Quoted By:
>>1229532 Cause of war
Basically, is your attack just
OP !!rbMyiH0Bf+c
>>1229529 added you, roll for this turn
Iron Guard !!yvm0QrHZZJQ
Serbian Principality
OP !!rbMyiH0Bf+c
>>1229541 Roll to fill Sweden, spills norway
Binland :DDDD
>>1229541 Fill Finland
would OP like to join me in an arctic alliance?
Iron Guard !!yvm0QrHZZJQ
OP !!rbMyiH0Bf+c
>>1229566 well your dubs confirm it, it seems x)
also i got so lucky with those trips kek
Anyways i don't usually ally on turn 1, so let's NAP oke
Stanley +1 !kqpdN4UHxo
>>1229541 Fill central India, spills eastern India
OP !!rbMyiH0Bf+c
Binland :DDDD
>>1229602 That sounds like a deal
we should plan to take Russia pretty close to evenly to maximize our effectiveness
Stanley +1 !kqpdN4UHxo
Serbian Principality
>>1229617 Fill Serbia.
If any spills, Bosnia
Iron Guard !!yvm0QrHZZJQ
Quoted By:
>>1229617 Fill Romania, spill Moldova and Ukraine
OP !!rbMyiH0Bf+c
>>1229617 Fill Norway, spills Scotland
>>1229620 yeah you can go for russia, already have many spills there, binnbro
>>1229630 6t remaining m8, spill where? after bosnia i mean
Binland :DDDD
Quoted By:
>>1229617 Keep filling Russia
Serbian Principality
Stanley +1 !kqpdN4UHxo
Watch Binland and I somehow go to war again lmao
Binland :DDDD
Quoted By:
>>1229682 Africa is completely open so i would recommend going for that
OP (+5) !!rbMyiH0Bf+c
Stanley +3 !kqpdN4UHxo
Quoted By:
>>1229694 Eastern India, spills to northern India
Serbian Principality +3
Quoted By:
>>1229694 Fill Macedonia, if any spills Albania and Montenegro.
Iron Guard (+3) !!yvm0QrHZZJQ
Iron Guard (+3) !!yvm0QrHZZJQ ID:qQYQyLx0 Thu 29 Jun 2017 16:10:00 No. 1229714 Report Quoted By:
>>1229694 Fill Ukraine, spill South of Romania
Binland :DDDD [+3]
OP (+5) !!rbMyiH0Bf+c
Quoted By:
>>1229694 Fill scotland, spills Denmark, Western Germany
OP (+5) !!rbMyiH0Bf+c
Serbian Principality +5
Quoted By:
>>1229762 Fill Albania, spill Greece
Iron Guard (+3) !!yvm0QrHZZJQ
Iron Guard (+3) !!yvm0QrHZZJQ ID:qQYQyLx0 Thu 29 Jun 2017 16:16:46 No. 1229770 Report Quoted By:
>>1229762 Fill Ukraine spill south of Romania and into turkey
Stanley +6 !kqpdN4UHxo
Quoted By:
>>1229762 Finish north India, spill China
Binland :DDDD [+6]
Quoted By:
>>1229762 Fill the Baltic States
OP (+8) !!rbMyiH0Bf+c
Quoted By:
>>1229762 Fill western germany, spills netherlands
OP (+8) !!rbMyiH0Bf+c
Iron Guard (+5) !!yvm0QrHZZJQ
Iron Guard (+5) !!yvm0QrHZZJQ ID:qQYQyLx0 Thu 29 Jun 2017 16:24:46 No. 1229849 Report >>1229829 OP I said to spill south of Romania, I ought to be in turkey
Regardless, fill Region and spill into turkey
Stanley +7 !kqpdN4UHxo
Quoted By:
>>1229829 Fill China, spills Kyrgyzstan then Tajikistan
Binland :DDDD [+7]
>>1229829 take Estonia and Lithuania
Binland :DDDD [+7]
Quoted By:
>>1229855 Use the leftovers to go further east
posted the thread in this discord: AeDNaK hope it brings you more players
Serbian Principality +6
>>1229829 Fill Greece, spill Southern Italy and Cyprus
>>1229849 I'm gonna kindly ask you to stay out of Greece.
Iron Guard (+5) !!yvm0QrHZZJQ
Iron Guard (+5) !!yvm0QrHZZJQ ID:qQYQyLx0 Thu 29 Jun 2017 16:27:49 No. 1229875 Report >>1229866 I'll stay out of Greece as long as you stay out of turkey, I wish to make the Black Sea a Romanian lake
Serbian Principality +6
>>1229875 I have no intentions of taking Turkey.
We have a deal.
OP (+8) !!rbMyiH0Bf+c
>>1229829 Fill Netherlands, spills Belgium
>>1229849 Sry, i filled whole ukraine first and then spilled in bulgaria, i thought that's what you wanted. Anyways you're in turkey now
>>1229859 Idk how discord works so it's always good that people helps spreading. Thanks m8
Iron Guard (+5) !!yvm0QrHZZJQ
Iron Guard (+5) !!yvm0QrHZZJQ ID:qQYQyLx0 Thu 29 Jun 2017 16:29:28 No. 1229900 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
>>1229887 just create a fake email then make a discord account. we post threads in the discord server every day so people can actually play with more than 5 people (that shit gets frustrating). anyway you are welcome to join
French Empire !V5wC/wmjYU
French Empire !V5wC/wmjYU ID:SDGmcVSw Thu 29 Jun 2017 16:31:06 No. 1229913 Report Quoted By:
>>1229829 French Empire
Central France
Roll to flll France
Stanley +7 !kqpdN4UHxo
Quoted By:
Just mentioning that I'm on my phone so my ID is different, kept my tripcode tho
OP (+15) !!rbMyiH0Bf+c
French Empire !V5wC/wmjYU
French Empire !V5wC/wmjYU ID:SDGmcVSw Thu 29 Jun 2017 16:36:53 No. 1229983 Report >>1229968 Keep filling France
Open to alliance/nap agreements
Binland :DDDD [+11]
Quoted By:
>>1229968 Spill into Poland
Stanley +9 !kqpdN4UHxo
>>1229968 Fill the small Stan countries
Binland :DDDD [+11]
French Empire !V5wC/wmjYU
French Empire !V5wC/wmjYU ID:SDGmcVSw Thu 29 Jun 2017 16:38:27 No. 1230013 Report Quoted By:
>>1229999 knew this would happen
Iron Guard (+7) !!yvm0QrHZZJQ
Iron Guard (+7) !!yvm0QrHZZJQ ID:OQVGpquq Thu 29 Jun 2017 16:38:57 No. 1230021 Report Quoted By:
>>1229968 Finish Filling Bulgaria to grab the bonus, spill fills turkey
Serbian Principality +13
Quoted By:
>>1229968 Take Italy and spill Croatia.
Stanley +9 !kqpdN4UHxo
Quoted By:
>>1229999 Fuck yes
Spill to Afghanistan, Pakistan and India
OP (+15) !!rbMyiH0Bf+c
Quoted By:
>>1229999 holy shit check'd...
>>1229968 fill belgium, spills UK
>>1229983 after the UK i am gonna go for some african colonies, so I don't think we'll have conflict
OP (+15) !!rbMyiH0Bf+c
Binland :DDDD [+11]
Quoted By:
>>1230065 Take the little Russian enclave and the rest of Poland
French Empire +2 !V5wC/wmjYU
French Empire +2 !V5wC/wmjYU ID:SDGmcVSw Thu 29 Jun 2017 16:47:29 No. 1230083 Report Quoted By:
>>1230065 Fill eastern France
Iron Guard (+8) !!yvm0QrHZZJQ
Iron Guard (+8) !!yvm0QrHZZJQ ID:OQVGpquq Thu 29 Jun 2017 16:47:29 No. 1230084 Report Quoted By:
Stanley +17 !kqpdN4UHxo
Quoted By:
>>1230065 Fill India and Sri Lanka
Serbian Principality +15
>>1230065 You know what?
I'm getting fucking bored of this game.
So here's a deal:
I'll cede ALL my lands to the person that can make me laugh.
Stanley +17 !kqpdN4UHxo
>>1230091 Quitceding is fucking dumb, if OP knows anything he won't allow it
French Empire +2 !V5wC/wmjYU
French Empire +2 !V5wC/wmjYU ID:SDGmcVSw Thu 29 Jun 2017 16:51:02 No. 1230119 Report Quoted By:
>>1230100 >>1230091 Yeah just erase the territories
OP (+15) !!rbMyiH0Bf+c
Quoted By:
>>1230065 Roll to fill the UK/Ireland
>>1230100 >>1230091 this. in most games one can't quitcede. I'll just let it like that and if someone wants to take over, fine
OP (+15) !!rbMyiH0Bf+c
OP (+15) !!rbMyiH0Bf+c
Quoted By:
>>1230159 MUPDATE 8*
Rolling to fill UK/Ireland
French Empire +2 !V5wC/wmjYU
French Empire +2 !V5wC/wmjYU ID:SDGmcVSw Thu 29 Jun 2017 16:55:48 No. 1230173 Report >>1230159 Keep filling eastern France
Spills to Brittany
French Empire +2 !V5wC/wmjYU
French Empire +2 !V5wC/wmjYU ID:SDGmcVSw Thu 29 Jun 2017 16:56:09 No. 1230175 Report Quoted By:
>>1230173 every single roll of mine so far has been a 3, what the fuck
Binland :DDDD [+17]
Quoted By:
>>1230159 finish Poland and move spill into Belarus
Stanley +21 !kqpdN4UHxo
Quoted By:
>>1230159 Finish Sri Lanka, fill Iran
Iron Guard (+8) !!yvm0QrHZZJQ
Iron Guard (+8) !!yvm0QrHZZJQ ID:qQYQyLx0 Thu 29 Jun 2017 16:57:26 No. 1230194 Report Quoted By:
>>1230159 Fill Turkey
Spill into Serbia because I guess he's gone
OP (+15) !!rbMyiH0Bf+c
OP (+29) !!rbMyiH0Bf+c
Quoted By:
>>1230245 Roll to fill Iceland and colonize some niggers in africa
Binland :DDDD [+18]
Quoted By:
>>1230245 finish going east
French Empire +2 !V5wC/wmjYU
French Empire +2 !V5wC/wmjYU ID:SDGmcVSw Thu 29 Jun 2017 17:04:36 No. 1230274 Report Quoted By:
>>1230245 Finish eastern France
Iron Guard (+13) !!yvm0QrHZZJQ
Iron Guard (+13) !!yvm0QrHZZJQ ID:qQYQyLx0 Thu 29 Jun 2017 17:05:03 No. 1230276 Report >>1230245 Take Serbia
Spill southern Russia east of Ukraine and into caucus
Stanley +22 !kqpdN4UHxo
Quoted By:
>>1230245 Finish Iran, take the caucus states, then take UAE, Oman, and Yemen
Binland :DDDD [+18]
>>1230276 i'll let you have the caucuses if you let me have Italy
Stanley +22 !kqpdN4UHxo
>>1230291 Well now it's a question if I'LL let him have them
Binland :DDDD [+18]
Quoted By:
>>1230305 There are much better lands to your west though
OP (+29) !!rbMyiH0Bf+c
Iron Guard (+15) !!yvm0QrHZZJQ
Iron Guard (+15) !!yvm0QrHZZJQ ID:qQYQyLx0 Thu 29 Jun 2017 17:11:12 No. 1230346 Report >>1230332 Fill Region, spill south of current region
I formally declare war on Stanley
French Empire +5 !V5wC/wmjYU
French Empire +5 !V5wC/wmjYU ID:SDGmcVSw Thu 29 Jun 2017 17:11:17 No. 1230348 Report >>1230332 Fill Brittany and Normandy
Binland :DDDD [+18]
Quoted By:
>>1230332 fill "Czechia" and maybe some of Austria
French Empire +5 !V5wC/wmjYU
French Empire +5 !V5wC/wmjYU ID:SDGmcVSw Thu 29 Jun 2017 17:11:54 No. 1230356 Report Quoted By:
>>1230348 spills to south of France
Iron Guard (+15) !!yvm0QrHZZJQ
Iron Guard (+15) !!yvm0QrHZZJQ ID:qQYQyLx0 Thu 29 Jun 2017 17:12:33 No. 1230367 Report Quoted By:
>>1230346 Any spill this roll takes Cyprus and Macedonia
Stanley +30 !kqpdN4UHxo
Quoted By:
>>1230332 Don't defend caucus, but defend if attacked in Iran/anywhere else. Fill southern Arabian states, then go into east Africa.
OP (+33) !!rbMyiH0Bf+c
Quoted By:
>>1230332 Fill some more african lands
OP (+33) !!rbMyiH0Bf+c
Iron Guard (+21) !!yvm0QrHZZJQ
Iron Guard (+21) !!yvm0QrHZZJQ ID:qQYQyLx0 Thu 29 Jun 2017 17:20:52 No. 1230437 Report >>1230422 Take the caucuses
Spill defends if necessary, if not necessary goes into Egypt
Binland :DDDD [+19]
Quoted By:
>>1230422 Finish Austria and spill into Italy
French Empire +7 !V5wC/wmjYU
French Empire +7 !V5wC/wmjYU ID:SDGmcVSw Thu 29 Jun 2017 17:21:18 No. 1230443 Report Quoted By:
>>1230422 Fill the two parts of southern France and spill to Spain
Stanley +34 !kqpdN4UHxo
Quoted By:
>>1230422 Defend everywhere except caucus. Finish Eritrea and Ethiopia, spills to South Sudan.
Binland :DDDD [+19]
>>1230437 Since we share a large boarder it would be smart if we entered an NAP
Iron Guard (+21) !!yvm0QrHZZJQ
Iron Guard (+21) !!yvm0QrHZZJQ ID:qQYQyLx0 Thu 29 Jun 2017 17:25:26 No. 1230482 Report Quoted By:
Stanley +34 !kqpdN4UHxo
>>1230437 How about we call this off now? You got what you wanted, and obviously I have no intentions of attacking you.
OP (+40) !!rbMyiH0Bf+c
Quoted By:
>>1230422 Fill more africa
Iron Guard (+21) !!yvm0QrHZZJQ
Iron Guard (+21) !!yvm0QrHZZJQ ID:qQYQyLx0 Thu 29 Jun 2017 17:28:45 No. 1230509 Report Quoted By:
>>1230493 Yes, I just wanted the caucuses
War is over
OP (+45) !!rbMyiH0Bf+c
Binland :DDDD [+21]
>>1230535 Invade Serbia because he's dead
Iron Guard (+24) !!yvm0QrHZZJQ
Iron Guard (+24) !!yvm0QrHZZJQ ID:qQYQyLx0 Thu 29 Jun 2017 17:32:35 No. 1230550 Report >>1230535 Fill Egypt
Any spill goes to Greece
French Empire +7 !V5wC/wmjYU
French Empire +7 !V5wC/wmjYU ID:SDGmcVSw Thu 29 Jun 2017 17:33:21 No. 1230556 Report >>1230535 finish southern France and spill to Spain
French Empire +9 !V5wC/wmjYU
French Empire +9 !V5wC/wmjYU ID:SDGmcVSw Thu 29 Jun 2017 17:33:43 No. 1230559 Report Quoted By:
Stanley +35 !kqpdN4UHxo
>>1230543 Fill Sudan and CAR
Spills to Iraq
Iron Guard (+24) !!yvm0QrHZZJQ
Iron Guard (+24) !!yvm0QrHZZJQ ID:qQYQyLx0 Thu 29 Jun 2017 17:33:50 No. 1230564 Report Quoted By:
>>1230550 Noice, 4d Pali
Further spill after Greece goes into Syria and Lebanon
We Wuz Moors !Xpt7TKvbTc
Quoted By:
We Wuz Moors Portugal brown
Stanley +35 !kqpdN4UHxo
>>1230560 Further spills to Cameron
Stanley +35 !kqpdN4UHxo
Quoted By:
>>1230581 Kek, and further spills to Saudi Arabia
OP (+45) !!rbMyiH0Bf+c
Quoted By:
>>1230535 Roll to fill North africa
OP (+45) !!rbMyiH0Bf+c
Binland :DDDD [+24]
Quoted By:
>>1230663 Keep invading Italy
Stanley +41 !kqpdN4UHxo
Quoted By:
>>1230663 Fill Iraq, Kazakhstan, Chad, Jordan.
Iron Guard (+29) !!yvm0QrHZZJQ
Iron Guard (+29) !!yvm0QrHZZJQ ID:qQYQyLx0 Thu 29 Jun 2017 17:45:55 No. 1230690 Report >>1230663 Use Roll to Garrison southern Egypt and Turkish border with Iran
Use territorial bonus to fill Greece and spill Syria and Lebanon
Iron Guard (+29) !!yvm0QrHZZJQ
Iron Guard (+29) !!yvm0QrHZZJQ ID:qQYQyLx0 Thu 29 Jun 2017 17:46:32 No. 1230698 Report Quoted By:
We Wuz Moors [+3] !Xpt7TKvbTc
We Wuz Moors [+3] !Xpt7TKvbTc ID:4yeq0WVX Thu 29 Jun 2017 17:47:10 No. 1230710 Report Quoted By:
>>1230663 Take the spanish northern region of galicia.
If spill, spill into another spanish region.
Stanley +41 !kqpdN4UHxo
>>1230690 Like I said I don't wanna fight. I'll even offer alliance if you're not in one already
French Empire +11 !V5wC/wmjYU
French Empire +11 !V5wC/wmjYU ID:SDGmcVSw Thu 29 Jun 2017 17:47:50 No. 1230720 Report >>1230663 keep filling spain
We Wuz Moors [+3] !Xpt7TKvbTc
We Wuz Moors [+3] !Xpt7TKvbTc ID:4yeq0WVX Thu 29 Jun 2017 17:48:35 No. 1230731 Report Quoted By:
>>1230720 Pajeet, i dont give a fuck stay out of spain REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
OP (+45) !!rbMyiH0Bf+c
Quoted By:
>>1230663 Fill lybia, nigeria and reinforce as many borders as i can
Iron Guard (+29) !!yvm0QrHZZJQ
Iron Guard (+29) !!yvm0QrHZZJQ ID:qQYQyLx0 Thu 29 Jun 2017 17:49:30 No. 1230748 Report >>1230711 I ain't planning on attacking you, just trying to keep my bases covered
I'll ally with you
Stanley +41 !kqpdN4UHxo
OP (+49) !!rbMyiH0Bf+c
MUPDATE 14 Spain is flooded and basically we are running out of space around the world x) Also suggesting to the Binnbros to upgrade our NAP into alliance... just incase
We Wuz Moors [+5] !Xpt7TKvbTc
We Wuz Moors [+5] !Xpt7TKvbTc ID:4yeq0WVX Thu 29 Jun 2017 17:58:39 No. 1230861 Report Quoted By:
>>1230843 Finish off Spain. Any remaining spills will go to MASA. When I hit 250 territories I shall attempt to conquer the moon.
Iron Guard (+34) !!yvm0QrHZZJQ
Iron Guard (+34) !!yvm0QrHZZJQ ID:qQYQyLx0 Thu 29 Jun 2017 17:58:46 No. 1230862 Report Quoted By:
>>1230843 Fill Israel and take all orange territory in Balkans
Any spill goes to Hungary
Binland :DDDD [+24]
>>1230843 Completely agree on our alliance, also are you done with Germany?
Also spill into Hungary and Slovakia
French Empire +13 !V5wC/wmjYU
French Empire +13 !V5wC/wmjYU ID:SDGmcVSw Thu 29 Jun 2017 17:59:11 No. 1230868 Report French Empire +13 !V5wC/wmjYU
French Empire +13 !V5wC/wmjYU ID:SDGmcVSw Thu 29 Jun 2017 17:59:35 No. 1230872 Report Quoted By:
Iron Guard (+34) !!yvm0QrHZZJQ
Iron Guard (+34) !!yvm0QrHZZJQ ID:qQYQyLx0 Thu 29 Jun 2017 18:00:16 No. 1230876 Report >>1230865 I'm breaking off NAP with you, nothing personal between you and OP, I just think it'll complicate things
Stanley +44 !kqpdN4UHxo
Quoted By:
>>1230843 Finish Jordan
Fill Chad
Proceed to garrison my western African border, especially in Chad.
OP (+49) !!rbMyiH0Bf+c
Quoted By:
>>1230843 Fill western germany. Spills to reinfofce my borders
>>1230865 You can take eastern germany
Binland :DDDD [+24]
Quoted By:
>>1230876 I understand, we still shouldn't rush to invade each other yet
Binland :DDDD [+28]
Quoted By:
>>1230865 Forgot to add bonus
Stanley +44 !kqpdN4UHxo
Quoted By:
Alright I'm gonna bite the bullet, declare war on Binland.
Why do people play with bonuses. If you get one good roll it is over. If you start late there is no way to win.
Stanley +44 !kqpdN4UHxo
Quoted By:
>>1230959 Because otherwise it's very boring
OP (+53) !!rbMyiH0Bf+c
MUPDATE 15 Aight stuff is heating up. First war declarations going on. The french lost -1 rep. since they attacked without warning, yet it was an effective attack. Stanley declares war on the Binns, which is basically WW3 start. Since Binland is my ally, i declare war on stanley as well
French Empire +17 !V5wC/wmjYU
French Empire +17 !V5wC/wmjYU ID:SDGmcVSw Thu 29 Jun 2017 18:15:00 No. 1231080 Report >>1231057 Keep attacking Iberia
French Empire +17 !V5wC/wmjYU
French Empire +17 !V5wC/wmjYU ID:SDGmcVSw Thu 29 Jun 2017 18:15:10 No. 1231085 Report Quoted By:
Binland :DDDD [+28]
Quoted By:
>>1231057 Im going to defend whatever i can
Nigels foreign estate !edSvD0V7AY
Nigels foreign estate !edSvD0V7AY ID:jxjbacRt Thu 29 Jun 2017 18:16:08 No. 1231097 Report >>1231057 Red
idc for what climate
French Empire +17 !V5wC/wmjYU
French Empire +17 !V5wC/wmjYU ID:SDGmcVSw Thu 29 Jun 2017 18:16:42 No. 1231110 Report Quoted By:
somebody make a new risk thread
Iron Guard (+34) !!yvm0QrHZZJQ
Iron Guard (+34) !!yvm0QrHZZJQ ID:qQYQyLx0 Thu 29 Jun 2017 18:16:45 No. 1231114 Report >>1231057 Stanley is my ally so I declare war on Binland and OP as well
Garrison Western Egypt
Spill fills all of balkans and reinforces any northern borders
Stanley +44 !kqpdN4UHxo
Quoted By:
>>1231057 Take Cape Verde and Senegal, garrison Kazakhstan then defend from attacks. If spills fill Siberia
Iron Guard (+38) !!yvm0QrHZZJQ
Iron Guard (+38) !!yvm0QrHZZJQ ID:qQYQyLx0 Thu 29 Jun 2017 18:17:30 No. 1231126 Report Quoted By:
We Wuz Moors [+5] !Xpt7TKvbTc
We Wuz Moors [+5] !Xpt7TKvbTc ID:4yeq0WVX Thu 29 Jun 2017 18:17:51 No. 1231133 Report >>1231057 Fight for the Moors. Conquer fucking Spain.
French Empire +17 !V5wC/wmjYU
French Empire +17 !V5wC/wmjYU ID:SDGmcVSw Thu 29 Jun 2017 18:18:32 No. 1231145 Report >>1231133 Your bonus is only +3
We Wuz Moors [+5] !Xpt7TKvbTc
We Wuz Moors [+5] !Xpt7TKvbTc ID:4yeq0WVX Thu 29 Jun 2017 18:18:40 No. 1231147 Report Quoted By:
>>1231133 Double dubs followed by 3 number straight.
We Wuz Moors [+3] !Xpt7TKvbTc
We Wuz Moors [+3] !Xpt7TKvbTc ID:4yeq0WVX Thu 29 Jun 2017 18:19:06 No. 1231155 Report Quoted By:
>>1231145 True forgot to change
OP (+53) !!rbMyiH0Bf+c
Quoted By:
>>1231057 Take switzerland and garrison all conflictive borders.
>>1231097 gl m8
OP (+52) !!rbMyiH0Bf+c
MUPDATE 16 (canary islands are garrison'd btw)
OP (+52) !!rbMyiH0Bf+c
Quoted By:
>>1231326 Retake lost land and reinforce borders / defend from attacks
Iron Guard (+41) !!yvm0QrHZZJQ
Iron Guard (+41) !!yvm0QrHZZJQ ID:qQYQyLx0 Thu 29 Jun 2017 18:31:39 No. 1231362 Report Quoted By:
>>1231326 Garrison all borders with binland
Use bonus to invade Sicily and southern Italy
Spill into Tunisia
Nigels foreign estate !edSvD0V7AY
Nigels foreign estate !edSvD0V7AY ID:jxjbacRt Thu 29 Jun 2017 18:33:00 No. 1231388 Report >>1231326 take more of these czech land.
(attack green)
Binland :DDDD [+28]
Quoted By:
>>1231326 Garrison borders with Stanley
Retake lost land
Stanley +49 !kqpdN4UHxo
Quoted By:
>>1231326 Defend
Destroy garrison to take the part of Russia just west of Kazakhstan.
Try to get into Siberia
French Empire +17 !V5wC/wmjYU
French Empire +17 !V5wC/wmjYU ID:SDGmcVSw Thu 29 Jun 2017 18:38:09 No. 1231458 Report Quoted By:
>>1231326 keep taking iberia
Nigels foreign estate !edSvD0V7AY
Nigels foreign estate !edSvD0V7AY ID:jxjbacRt Thu 29 Jun 2017 18:38:33 No. 1231465 Report Quoted By:
OP (+53) !!rbMyiH0Bf+c
Nigels foreign estate +4 !edSvD0V7AY
Nigels foreign estate +4 !edSvD0V7AY ID:jxjbacRt Thu 29 Jun 2017 18:43:41 No. 1231543 Report >>1231518 take more land
go towards greece.
Binland :DDDD [+28]
Quoted By:
>>1231518 Retake southern Italy and Garrison it
Iron Guard (+39) !!yvm0QrHZZJQ
Iron Guard (+39) !!yvm0QrHZZJQ ID:qQYQyLx0 Thu 29 Jun 2017 18:44:27 No. 1231553 Report >>1231518 Priority number one
Kill that red piece of shit
Priority number two
Garrison all borders with binland starting in southern Italy
Priority number three attack central Italy
Nigels foreign estate +4 !edSvD0V7AY
Nigels foreign estate +4 !edSvD0V7AY ID:jxjbacRt Thu 29 Jun 2017 18:44:58 No. 1231565 Report Quoted By:
>>1231553 I spooked you didn't I?
Iron Guard (+39) !!yvm0QrHZZJQ
Iron Guard (+39) !!yvm0QrHZZJQ ID:qQYQyLx0 Thu 29 Jun 2017 18:45:08 No. 1231568 Report French Empire +22 !V5wC/wmjYU
French Empire +22 !V5wC/wmjYU ID:SDGmcVSw Thu 29 Jun 2017 18:45:39 No. 1231574 Report Quoted By:
>>1231518 Take northern Italy
Nigels foreign estate +4 !edSvD0V7AY
Nigels foreign estate +4 !edSvD0V7AY ID:jxjbacRt Thu 29 Jun 2017 18:46:05 No. 1231581 Report Quoted By:
Stanley +49 !kqpdN4UHxo
>>1231518 Go full blow into Russia
OP (+53) !!rbMyiH0Bf+c
Quoted By:
>>1231518 Invade malta and from there take crete, cyprus and some turkish t's. Spills to defend. If i got nothing to defend, take spanish t's (casus beli = france attacking an ally)
Binland :DDDD [+28]
Stanley +48 !kqpdN4UHxo
Quoted By:
>>1231633 Fixed bonus, also much needed dubs
We Wuz Moors [+5] !Xpt7TKvbTc
We Wuz Moors [+5] !Xpt7TKvbTc ID:4yeq0WVX Thu 29 Jun 2017 18:55:24 No. 1231721 Report Quoted By:
Sucks there aren't any nukes.
OP (+53) !!rbMyiH0Bf+c
MUPDATE 18 Sick game wow! I'll need to go afk after this mupdate tho, so next will take some time... Nigel held the Iron guard and is alive by 1t! Binland recovers south italy but loses the north and siberia, which now is owned by stanley. France loses Andalucía, and the iron guard loses cyprus, crete and Peloponesos.
Binland :DDDD [+26]
Quoted By:
>>1231765 Take as much of Siberia back as i can
Iron Guard (+34) !!yvm0QrHZZJQ
Iron Guard (+34) !!yvm0QrHZZJQ ID:qQYQyLx0 Thu 29 Jun 2017 19:00:13 No. 1231801 Report >>1231765 Kill red
Retake stolen clay starting with Cyprus
Nigels foreign estate +4 !edSvD0V7AY
Nigels foreign estate +4 !edSvD0V7AY ID:jxjbacRt Thu 29 Jun 2017 19:00:28 No. 1231805 Report >>1231568 hey wanna sign a peace treaty?
>>1231801 Stanley +50 !kqpdN4UHxo
Quoted By:
>>1231765 Get back into Senegal
Continue to brute force into Russia
Nigels foreign estate +4 !edSvD0V7AY
Nigels foreign estate +4 !edSvD0V7AY ID:jxjbacRt Thu 29 Jun 2017 19:01:47 No. 1231822 Report >>1231765 go into blue land
French Empire +21 !V5wC/wmjYU
French Empire +21 !V5wC/wmjYU ID:SDGmcVSw Thu 29 Jun 2017 19:02:05 No. 1231829 Report Quoted By:
>>1231765 Finish taking northern Italy
spill to southern Italy
Nigels foreign estate +0 !edSvD0V7AY
Nigels foreign estate +0 !edSvD0V7AY ID:jxjbacRt Thu 29 Jun 2017 19:02:09 No. 1231834 Report Quoted By:
>>1231822 >>1231765 dubs and fixed bonus.
Iron Guard (+34) !!yvm0QrHZZJQ
Iron Guard (+34) !!yvm0QrHZZJQ ID:qQYQyLx0 Thu 29 Jun 2017 19:02:44 No. 1231845 Report >>1231805 As long as you stay out of balkans and leave me the fuck alone
OP (+54) !!rbMyiH0Bf+c
Quoted By:
>>1231765 Defend in Africa. Spills to Central Spain first, turkey afterwards.
Guys i'll be back by PC in 40 min, which is a pretty long time for a mupdate. If someone wants to do this mupdate it's fine. Otherwise you'll need to wait till im back. WHatever you want
Nigels foreign estate +0 !edSvD0V7AY
Nigels foreign estate +0 !edSvD0V7AY ID:jxjbacRt Thu 29 Jun 2017 19:05:27 No. 1231891 Report Quoted By:
>>1231845 Okay
>>1231765 OP Me and Iron Guard have resolved our fight, we are no longer in war
French Empire +21 !V5wC/wmjYU
French Empire +21 !V5wC/wmjYU ID:SDGmcVSw Thu 29 Jun 2017 19:12:33 No. 1231989 Report somebody make a new risk game
Stanley +50 !kqpdN4UHxo
Quoted By:
>>1231989 Be the change you want to see in the world
Iron Guard (+34) !!yvm0QrHZZJQ
Iron Guard (+34) !!yvm0QrHZZJQ ID:qQYQyLx0 Thu 29 Jun 2017 19:13:40 No. 1232003 Report Quoted By:
Nigels foreign estate +0 !edSvD0V7AY
Nigels foreign estate +0 !edSvD0V7AY ID:jxjbacRt Thu 29 Jun 2017 19:15:43 No. 1232034 Report Quoted By:
>>1231989 Sorry I'd do it but i'm tired and stoned af so that wont work.