>>12298610>that many eggsugh wtf
waste thread anyway. We're all part of one of a few categories:
decently intelligent grownups who can cook and feed ourselves;
Retard man-children and autists who are fed literal tendies, and if able to shop for themelves buy only fast food, packaged snacks, and drink soda, energy drinks, and play video games past the age of 19 and will defend these things;
discord tranny shills who just consume soilent, estrogen, and street drugs, and fundamentally believe taxpayers should have to provide it.all to them;
The rare eco-fazcist vegan who doesn't bother posting about it and mostly.just lurks because he used to.come here and cant leave;
unironically natsoc neonazis who think posting about the soup they made is combatting the (((food industry))) jew, and are mostly under the age of 24;
Or, actual children whose parents buy them whatever.
No one will change their habits based on some "discussion" you think might occur, and no one wants to know about yours. Just make your choices and implement them for your damn self, quietly.
>tl;dr, >>>/ck/