I work in health care and 95% of my co-workers in the last 10 years have been black.
In the health care environment, where you have to care for other people, you can really see the niggadry and humanity, or lack of, when it comes to *most* of my black coworkers.
If a white lady hits her call light, don't turn it off and then wait 6hrs to do what she needs.
If an old man is a fall risk, stop putting him in his fucking wheel chair and giving him the opportunity to try to stand, which he can't do, and falling flat on his fucking face. Earlier this week a resident of mine, who can't walk, was left unsupervised in said wheel chair and tries to stand up. Dude falls face first into his roommate's bedside table and had to get 14 stitches across his face. This was his 4th fall in 3 weeks. How dumb does a nigger have to be to realize leaving him in the chair is a bad fucking idea.
Niggers don't care about cameras and will fall asleep under them, and then be mad at you for reading a book to stay awake (night shift logic). Even tho they're fucking sleeping.
Black agency CNAs need to stop being entitled niggers amd saying "nu uh I aint doin dat, yall got me fucked up I can just go the hell home yall should appeeciate my help" every time I try to make an assignment. Just...do the fucking assignment. I don't care that you're doing a double. Fuck you, do the work.